Dojenje je dobar način da se spali kalorija kao i koristi se gotovo 500 kalorija dnevno. Tijekom trudnoće, vaše tijelo pohranjuje do slojevima masnoće i to je prirodni način za osigurati bebu mogu biti hranjen. Ako ne dojite, to će biti teško da biste dobili osloboditi od tih slojeva masti. Dakle, ne samo da je vrlo koristan za vaše dijete, duže doji, više ćete kalorija sagorijevati.
for us normal mums, we have to do it on their own. To lose weight, you generally have to reduce the number of calories consumed, or get some vježbe.Najbolji way, of course, will do both.
, but the new mom, this is easier said than done. You do not want to reduce your calorie intake too much as it is a time when nutritional needs are high and you'll have loads of energy for your child. In addition, crash diets will slow your metabolism and usually causes more weight gain.
and exercise? How can you possibly squeeze any exercise in the already crowded schedule of baby care related activities?
One of the best ways to use gentle exercise like walking, it is very easy to bring him or her along in a stroller. This is also a great idea when the baby discomfort as a movement and a new landscape is known as one of the best ways to calm the baby down. However, it is important to talk with your doctor to find out which exercises are acceptable to you, especially if the baby is born by caesarean section.
As for diet, here are 5 tips that you can use:
1) Try to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily, but make sure to stay clear of regular soda and juices as they are high in sugar. Instead, try a healthy alternative to ice water with a splash of lemon.
2) Eat protein but choose lean meats such as skinless chicken breast or leanest cuts of beef.
3) Stay away from simple carbohydrates like white bread or rice, but instead choose healthier alternatives like whole breads and brown rice.
4) Read food labels and do not get fooled by foods that are "fat". They can be high in calories and contain hydrogenated vegetable oil and / or high fructose corn syrup. Both of these ingredients are not healthy and will definitely cause you to put on weight.
5) Although it is convenient, try to avoid fast food and typical snacks like potato chips as they are high in fat and processed food is never good for you or your waist.
Breastfeeding is a good way to burn calories and uses almost 500 calories a day. During pregnancy, your body stores the fat layers and it is a natural way to ensure your baby can be fed. If you do not breastfeed, it will be difficult to get rid of those layers of fat. So, not only is very beneficial for your child, longer breastfeeds, the more calories you burn.
Breastfeeding is a good way to burn calories and uses almost 500 calories a day. During pregnancy, your body stores the fat layers and it is a natural way to ensure your baby can be fed. If you do not breastfeed, it will be difficult to get rid of those layers of fat. So, not only is very beneficial for your child, longer breastfeeds, the more calories you burn.
Breastfeeding is a good way to burn calories and uses almost 500 calories a day. During pregnancy, your body stores the fat layers and it is a natural way to ensure your baby can be fed. If you do not breastfeed, it will be difficult to get rid of those layers of fat. So, not only is very beneficial for your child, longer breastfeeds, the more calories you burn.
Breastfeeding is a good way to burn calories and uses almost 500 calories a day. During pregnancy, your body stores the fat layers and it is a natural way to ensure your baby can be fed. If you do not breastfeed, it will be difficult to get rid of those layers of fat. So, not only is very beneficial for your child, longer breastfeeds, the more calories you burn.